CST 338 – Software Design – Week 02


This week’s homework assignment was the program called Jotto. It is very similar to Wordle where you must guess a word and the computer lets you know how many letters from your guess are in the word you are trying to guess. The unit tests I had trouble with were the ones for showWordList() and getLetterCount(). I could not get them to pass. I was able to get the method showWordList() to work but it would not pass the test. The method getLetterCount() was more challenging and I was not able to make it work. The part where we must check for duplicate letters because each letter guessed only counts for one letter from the word you are trying to guess is where I struggled the most. I tried using substring() in conjunction with indexOf() but was not able to make it work. I will have to read more into comparing strings to figure out how to compare each character from one string to every character in another string.

The quizzes were also a bit more challenging than the previous week. I was thrown off by a couple of questions. The question in Quiz00 about the exceptions and the question about the replace(char, char) method in Quiz01. I will have to watch the lecture videos for week 2 again and make sure I understand those two concepts.


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