Week 4 – CST– 311 Intro to Computer
Module 4 –Security in Computer Networks
This week we covered Network Security. With secure
communication, the goal is to achieve confidentiality, message integrity, end-point
authentication, and operational security. Confidentiality means that only the
sender and the intended receiver should be able to understand the contents of
the transmitted message. Message integrity ensures that the content of the
messages is not altered on purpose or by accident during transit. End-point authentication
allows the sender and receiver to confirm the identity of the party with which
they are communicating. Finally, operational security is how users or corporations
can counter attacks like depositing worms into the network, obtaining private documents,
and launching DoS attacks.
The bulk of this week was focused on cryptography. Cryptography
allows the sender to mask the information to prevent intruders from gaining access
to the actual information. Plain text is the original form of a message, and an
encryption algorithm is used to create an encrypted message called ciphertext. The
encryption algorithm uses a key and plain text to produce ciphertext. There are
two types of key systems, symmetric and public. With a symmetric key system, the
sender and the receiver have identical secret keys. In a public key system, two
keys are used. One key is known to both the sender and receiver and the other
key is known only to the sender or the receiver.
An example of a symmetric key algorithm is the Caesar cipher.
In this algorithm, we take each letter in the plain text message and substitute
it for another letter a certain number of letters ahead or behind in the alphabet.
For example, if we take the message “computer science” and we use a key (k) that
shifts the letters 2 letters forward (k=2), the cyphertext would be “eqorwvgt
uekgpeg.” If you are shifting forward, the letters will shift from z to a and
from a to z if you are shifting backwards.
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