Week 8 – CST – 300 Module 8

OLI – Post-Test

This week we had to take the post-test which was a culmination of what we have learned throughout the course. It started off with opinion questions where you had to choose whether you agreed or disagreed with the statement. I compared my answers to the pre-test answers and, although they are not graded, I believe my answers improved. From the OLI modules, I learned that you must consider everyone’s opinions and to use conflict resolution techniques when there is difference of opinions. When someone is expressing their opinion, you must use active listening and let them know you understood by repeating to them what they told you in your own words. For dealing with conflicts, you must use active listening and then formulate an assertion message to deal with the conflict.


Part 1: Review Other Team’s Final Video Projects

Gigabit Goon Squad

Public Video –

1.      Is the topic well covered?

Yes, I believe the topic was covered very well.


2.      Is the presentation clear?

Yes, the presentation was clear and had a great flow with the information given.


3.      How is the quality of the research?

The information they provide is very informative, which leads me to believe that they spend a good amount of time researching.


4.      How is the quality of the video production?

The video production was smooth and seamless throughout the entire video.


5.      Is the video engaging and interesting?

I was engaged and interested through the entire video. I enjoyed how all the video clips were closely related to the information given at the time.


6.      Is the teamwork evident?

Yes, the teamwork is evident. It appears every team member participated in the video.


7.      Is the video appropriate to the audience (either the general public or technology professionals)?

Yes, I can see this video engaging the general public because it is clear and uses a lot of video aid.

Computing Professional Video -

1.      Is the topic well covered?

Yes, the topic is well covered.


2.      Is the presentation clear?

The presentation is clear through the duration of the video.


3.      How is the quality of the research?

The research appears to have good depth. They covered the origin, the mechanism, practical uses, and ethics each with more than two minutes of information.


4.      How is the quality of the video production?

The quality of the video production could have used more elements. I think it could benefit from adding a few visual aids.


5.      Is the video engaging and interesting?

On a scale from 1-10, the video’s engagement score is probably a 5. Adding some visual aids like graphs, photos, or animations would help make it more engaging and interesting.


6.      Is the teamwork evident?

The teamwork is evident, it seems like every member participated and completed their own section of the video.


7.      Is the video appropriate to the audience (either the general public or technology professionals)?

Yes, the video is very informative and fitting for technology professionals.


Super4 Web Solutions

Public Video –

1.      Is the topic well covered?

Yes, the topic of “The Eternal Human” is covered well.


2.      Is the presentation clear?

There were a few instances where the text on the slides or video was too dark to see due to the background. Aside from that, the presentation was clear.


3.      How is the quality of the research?

It is apparent that there was a good amount of research done to produce this video.


4.      How is the quality of the video production?

The quality of the video is great. It is very dynamic, and each narrator has a distinctive style.

5.      Is the video engaging and interesting?

Yes, the video kept me engaged and was interesting.


6.      Is the teamwork evident?

Yes, the teamwork is evident, each member participated in their own section.


7.      Is the video appropriate to the audience (either the general public or technology professionals)?

Yes, this video seems appropriate for the general public with simple explanations and multiple visual aids.


Computing Professional Video -

1.      Is the topic well covered?

Yes, the topic is covered well.


2.      Is the presentation clear?

There is a phrase that I could not make out at the beginning of the video at the 1:24 mark but other than that, the rest of the video was clear.


3.      How is the quality of the research?

The quality of the research is high. The subtopics were covered in detail for about two minutes.


4.      How is the quality of the video production?

The production of the video was great. The sound was clear, and the transitions were smooth.


5.      Is the video engaging and interesting?

Yes, the video was engaging and interesting. It had the right amount of information, text, and visual aids.


6.      Is the teamwork evident?

Yes, the teamwork appears to be evident. All members delivered their subtopics for around two minutes each.


7.      Is the video appropriate to the audience (either the general public or technology professionals)?

Yes, the video is appropriate for technology professionals. It is highly informative and has a proficient amount of technical terminology.

Bit Of Otter

Public Video –

1.      Is the topic well covered?

Yes, the topic is covered well. They covered the history, current state, and the future of augmented reality.


2.      Is the presentation clear?

Yes, the presentation has clear video and audio throughout the whole video.


3.      How is the quality of the research?

The research quality is good and informative.


4.      How is the quality of the video production?

The quality of the video production is good. The transitions and visual aids are smooth.


5.      Is the video engaging and interesting?

The video is engaging and interesting. Each subtopic has relevant information as well as relevant graphics.


6.      Is the teamwork evident?

Yes, the teamwork is evident. Every teammate narrated their own subtopic.


7.      Is the video appropriate to the audience (either the general public or technology professionals)?

I can see this video relating to the general public because it uses simple explanations and visual aids that are very popular like Pokemon Go and Snapchat AR filters that everyone recognizes.

Computing Professional Video -

1.      Is the topic well covered?

Yes, the topic is covered well. It is very informative and well developed.


2.      Is the presentation clear?

Yes, the presentation is clear. The video as well as the sound is smooth all the way through.


3.      How is the quality of the research?

The quality of the research is good. The group added more relevant subtopics for this video which made it more informative.


4.      How is the quality of the video production?

The quality of the video production is great. The information matches with the visual aids provided and the transitions from one topic to another are seamless.


5.      Is the video engaging and interesting?

This video was engaging and interesting. The topic of AR is interesting by itself, but this team also managed to do the extra work to engage the audience.


6.      Is the teamwork evident?

The teamwork is evident. Each member did a good job narrating their own subtopics and added more subtopics compared to the general public video.


7.      Is the video appropriate to the audience (either the general public or technology professionals)?

I find this video appropriate for computing professionals. The information and terminology is geared towards a more informed audience.


 Part 2: Keep Up With Your Learning Journal

The lecture portion of this class did a great job preparing a student for group dynamics. We met with our groups on a weekly basis and worked on projects or assignments for the week. This requirement forces the students to create a routine of managing a schedule. It also allows teams to build coordination skills because not every person in the team will have the same time slots available.

The writing lab portion of the class helped me improve my writing. Writing two essays, both within only two weeks and along with multiple assignments, was challenging but also rewarding when completed. The multiple discussion assignments also gave me plenty of practice commenting on someone else’s work or opinion. It also taught me to double and triple check my writing before submitting or posting it.

During our video group project, we communicated through Discord. Everyone collaborated by taking on a subtopic and creating slides with audio files. The information on the slides had to be relevant to the topic and the sound files needed to add up to around two minutes total. This provided us with a complete video of 8-10 minutes.

Next time, since our project completion was really close to the due date, I would suggest having a rough draft of the project at least a week before. This will allow us to have something near completion with enough time to add or make changes.

These are the links to our research video projects.

General Public video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpvXHe75bZ8

Computing Professionals - https://youtu.be/teXEmpujVjk



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