CST 338 – Software Design –Wk07/08 Learning Journal Summary

When I look back at Jotto now, it still seems like a challenge. I would definitely change my approach and make sure I understand the prompt before I begin. I would make a list of the methods and write down how to implement them in my own words to show that I understand what is being asked. As I begin coding, I will use that list as a checklist to track my progress and return to methods I might have set aside for later implementation.

I really enjoyed the coding bat exercises. They were challenging for me because Java was one of the first classes I took when I started my programming journey. Although it took me a while, I was able to complete the required tasks. It was a fantastic way to get back into using java.

After a couple of setbacks with Jotto and Markov, I was able to complete Legally Distinct Pocket Monsters aka LDPM aka Project 1. Project 1 was the first time we were required to use object-oriented programming. The prompt also seemed to give you less detailed information which made it difficult to implement. With the help of our awesome TA, Polina Mejia, I was able to finally pass all tests on an assignment for the first time.

One area where I believe I have improved is understanding UML diagrams. The assignments assigned in this course all came with UML diagrams that helped to lead you through the required fields, constructors, and methods as well as the types of classes and their relationships.

Lastly, the other area where I improved is in extending classes. Although I am not an expert, I am more comfortable with the concept. It indicates that a child class (subclass) extends a parent class (super class). Creating an object of the child class will allow you to use methods and fields from both the child and the parent class.


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