
Showing posts from February, 2024
Week 8 – CST – 300 Module 8 OLI – Post-Test This week we had to take the post-test which was a culmination of what we have learned throughout the course. It started off with opinion questions where you had to choose whether you agreed or disagreed with the statement. I compared my answers to the pre-test answers and, although they are not graded, I believe my answers improved. From the OLI modules, I learned that you must consider everyone’s opinions and to use conflict resolution techniques when there is difference of opinions. When someone is expressing their opinion, you must use active listening and let them know you understood by repeating to them what they told you in your own words. For dealing with conflicts, you must use active listening and then formulate an assertion message to deal with the conflict.   Part 1: Review Other Team’s Final Video Projects Gigabit Goon Squad Public Video – 1.       Is the topic well covered? Yes, I believe the topic was covered ve
  Week 7 – CST – 300 Module 7 OLI – Module 10 In this week’s OLI module, we learned how to apply conflict recognition, active listening, and assertion message skills with multiple team members. Because each team member has different views, you must learn how to understand and formulate a conflict resolution that might not work for other members. The issue was that some of the students were complaining about being overworked. A student, Emma, agrees that they are being overworked, and another student, Freda, thinks that they should stop complaining and just do the work. This was a good exercise on how to deal with different team members with different views on the same issue. The other activity from the module was a group activity where we had to role play as a group to produce an idea for a game. The point of the role-playing game was to have an observer who will add or subtract points depending on criteria that we learned from the conflict resolution like recognizing conflict, a
Week 6 – CST – 300 Module 6 OLI – Module 8 and 9 The OLI for this week dealt with active listening and creating an assertion message. Module 8 was about active listening. When dealing with conflict, you must understand the other person’s viewpoint. To do this, you need to actively listen when they speak. Things that help active listening are looking at the person, letting them finish their thoughts, summarizing what you heard, and ignoring distractions. On the other side, things you should not do while listening are interrupt, talk about yourself, multitask, and finish their sentences. Module 9 was about creating an assertion message. An assertion message is a response you formulate to raise a problem after you have actively listened to the other person. Your assertion message must include three features an objective description, an emotional response, and an explanation of the problem’s impact. An objective description is a specific example of the problem or behavior. Instead
  Week 5 – CST – 300 Module 5 OLI – Module 6 and 7 The OLI for this week was interesting. It helped us recognize conflict and showed us how to deal with them using different conflict strategies. Module 6 showed us a video where Kurt and Freda had a conversation which quickly escalated into a conflict. Freda was questioning the level of a platform that had been checked already. Kurt told Freda that he didn’t trust her leveling phone app. After arguing for some time, Kurt noticed that the platform was not level because there was a piece of wood underneath it. I first noticed the conflict when Kurt told Freda that he did not trust her leveling app around the 15 second mark of the video. Module 7 was challenging, here we had to use the best conflict strategy to deal with conflict based on how important the relationship is and how much do we care about the problem. An example was in the scenario where you asked Taylor, a friend of a friend for a ride to get wood because your car is