
Showing posts from June, 2024
  Week 1 – CST– 334 Operating Systems Module 1 - Processes  This week we learned what this class is about and what the goals of the class are. In this course we will be using the bash programming language and Linux utilities to create shell scripts which will allow us to automate repetitive tasks. Throughout the course we will learn about syntax, structure, and commands when programming in the bash shell. The goal of the course is to provide the students with a solid introduction to the basic concepts of Linux and shell scripting so that they can apply them in the real world. From lab1, we learned how to use the GDB tool to help us debug our code by isolating memory issues to figure out what is wrong. The lab taught us how to read the information given by the compiler when errors are encountered. The debugging tool is used to get more detailed information and allows us to step through our code so we can get a better sense of where the errors occurred. PA1 gave us more practice with
  Week 8 – CST– 363 Introduction to Database Systems Briefly summarize what you consider to be the three (3) most important things you learned in this course. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and everything I learned in this course will be important in my journey to becoming a software engineer. Prior to this class, the only exposure to databases I had was creating a room database for an android app in android studio for CST-338 Software Design. Needless to say, I learned a lot. Although I still have to continue practicing, one of the most important things I learned in this course was coding in SQL. We learned how to read schemas and interpret that schema into a functional database. I can use SQL to create tables and relationships between those tables with the use of primary and foreign keys. I also learned how to use SQL to search databases by using queries. Queries can be a simple select statement from a single table or a complex query that requires the use of grouping, joins, a
  Week 7 – CST– 363 Introduction to Database Systems Compare MongoDB with MySQL. What are some similarities?  Now that the course has introduced MongoDB, I can see there are a few similarities between it and MySQL. They both offer a GUI interface for users to manipulate data with ease through the use of queries. For our lab 19 project, we used JDBC to program a web application using MySQL and for lab 21, we are also using Java to program the same application with MongoDB. That is because they are both compatible with many of the same languages including Java, Python, and Node.js. Lastly, both DBMS have the capability to improve query speeds by indexing frequently used data. What are some differences?  The main difference between MySQL and MongoDB is that MySQL is a relational database while MongoDB is document-oriented database. MySQL uses schemas with tables made up of columns and rows. These tables use keys and foreign keys to establish relationships with other tables. MongoD
  Week 6 – CST– 363 Introduction to Database Systems Summarize what you have learned this week.  This week, I have learned how to design a database ERD more efficiently. The relationship lines can be used to show the type of relationship two entities share. The dotted lines indicate non-identifying relationships, and the solid lines indicate identifying relationships. In a non-identifying relationship, the child entity has a foreign key from the parent, but it does not make up the child’s primary key. In an identifying relationship, the foreign key is part of the primary key. In a good design, you want to keep primary keys minimal without unnecessary columns. This week we are learning how to code a web application that uses a database. We are using JDBC which stands for Java Database Connectivity. We are using Connector/J which is the official JDBC driver for MySQL. In order to use the database, you must first create a connection using the DriverManager.getConnection() method.